The M-Care Multi-Disciplinary Team
Professional care for patients is our priority
The nursing staff at the nursing station is there to assist with daily functions and ward requirements regarding patient care. M-Care nursing staff are all qualified staff and have adequate training to see to your interests. Please do not feel offended when you ask the nursing personnel for help and they escalate the request to the sister. Nurses do not have the same authority as the sisters. It does not mean that they cannot assist you. At M-Care we provide more personnel than legally required.
- Nursing Sister
- Nursing Student
- Care Workers
- Community Health Sister
- Doctor’s Rounds
- Dietician
- This person is the head of the ward. He/she will assist you with almost any medical request and will be able to coordinate your care to assist with your healing process. A sister is also the only person allowed to dispense your medication.
- We allow nursing students to obtain practical experience at our hospital. They are not involved in your therapeutic care, and do not have access to your confidential documents.
- Their tasks vary and change. They might be asked to help and monitor a patient 24/7, or assist with patient bed preparation or performing small tasks.
- Fast access to the physician is not always possible. For minor problems we have appointed a sister who will do telephonic follow-ups and assist you in this regard. We walk the extra mile, by phoning our patients after discharge, following up to see how our patients are coping and how they are reacting to the medication. Our community health sister gives feedback to the doctors and nursing managers. M-Care personnel have your best interest and recovery at heart. Remember – we really care.
- Doctor’s rounds vary between doctors, please confirm with your doctor.
- The treating physician may refer you to a dietician, if indicated private diets are not available.
- Medical Specialist
- Occupational Therapist
- Pastoral Help
- Physiotherapist
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Security
- Therapy
- Your Psychiatrist will do appropriate referrals if needed.
- Assisting patients to understand themselves and their interactions with the environment or colleagues better. They also teach you skills to help manage these situations. Creative activities are incorporated as a therapeutic tool, enhancing self-esteem, creativity and to implement new skills.
- Can be arranged in consultation with your treating physician as a part of your global therapeutic plan.
- We involve physiotherapists to assist with pain and muscle spasms on doctor’s requests. Your medical aid may not pay for all of these consultations. Please ask the physiotherapist concerning authorization.
- A medical doctor specialised in treatment of illness that effect emotions, thinking processes and behaviour, will coordinate your treatment process and different therapists, assess your daily healing progress, do medication review and address any other medical need a patient might have.
- A therapist assessing and treating you through liberating the soul of trauma/barriers for destiny to be fulfilled.
- Our security personnel have been appointed to assist with your safety, day and night and protect our property. The security guards act on set rules and regulations in our framework and as per request of the Nursing Service Manager or Doctors. Respect our security personnel and honour their requests. Treat them with the same dignity and respect you would like to be treated with.
- Therapy is conducted according to your Dr’s prescription and absence allowed only with Dr’s consent.
About M-Care
The M-Care Group has six hospitals; two in Mpumalanga, two in the North West Province, one in the Free State, and one in the Western Cape, specializing in physical rehabilitation and psychiatric services.
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