Procedures | Length of Stay | Facilities
We take pride in the services we offer and are committed to being active partners in your treatment. However, we need you to be just as active in this partnership. Treatment involves a willingness to talk about the issues in your life with honesty; striving to develop new methods of coping, and it certainly takes courage, motivation and great determination.
Upon admission to the hospital, there are naturally a number of initial assessments that will be done. You may have an initial assessment, followed by a meeting with the nursing staff who will require some details from you in order to formulate a nursing care plan. A psychiatrist or medical doctor will interview you to assess your current clinical needs. Blood samples may also be required for routine tests and screenings. A consultant from our therapy services team will assess you and determine which therapy programme you should undertake during your treatment at the hospital.
Your therapy programme during your stay at the hospital forms the fundamental base of your overall treatment. You will be assessed as soon as practically suitable and appropriate after your admission. An initial programme will be discussed and agreed with you. It may change during the course of your treatment, depending on your progress and needs.
Factors that determine your length of stay:
- Individual circumstances as well as your progress and cooperation
- The therapeutic team who will guide your recovery
- Medical aid benefit available
- Please make sure that all shopping and other excursions are done before admission.
- If there is a shortage of beds or any other problems, we will contact you to make further arrangements.
- We ask that you please give your food preferences to the sister, so they can communicate it with the kitchen e.g. diabetic, vegetarian, etc.
- M-Care accounts include ward fees, medication and ward stock only. You will receive additional separate accounts from the psychiatrists, psychologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and pathologist etc., depending on the services provided to you. In case of medical aid patients, the service providers will use the same authorization number obtained for admittance to M-Care for claims. Please make sure that you have available benefits for services other than the admission (eg. Physiotherapy, EEG and dieticians)
- When you are discharged be sure to leave the hospital before 12h00.
Admission procedures:
- Please report at Reception for admission.
- It is very important to please bring the identity documents of the patient and the principal member of the medical aid, as well as the medical aid card so that the necessary copies can be made.
- Note: Chronic medication, as well as glucose testing machines and strips should be brought along as the medical aid does not pay if you still have stock on hand. Should M-Care Hospital have to order the medication for you; you will be responsible for the payment immediately.
- Our case managers arrange authorization for hospitalization and constantly contact the medical aids to ensure payment for the maximum benefit. Any enquiries can be directed to them. If there are problems, your Psychiatrist will be contacted for further instruction.
Among many facilities available to you we offer you:
- Internet access
- Exercise equipment
- Lounges equipped with DSTV
- Vending machines (only at M-Care Optima & M-Care Highveld)
- Safe parking and security
- Garden
Packing for your stay
What to bring with for your stay at M-Care
- ID of patient as well ID of the main member
- Medical Aid Card
- Comfortable and casual clothing – no sleepwear during the day. Bring everyday wear that is appropriate for groups, relaxation and light exercise activities.
- Nightclothes, slippers and dressing gown, for sleeping only
- Toiletries. please bring personal toiletries but take note that any sharp objects for example nail clippers, razors, scissors, and electrical appliances such as hairdryers or straighteners, will be locked away at the nurses’ station when not needed and must be returned immediately after use
- Towels. We do not supply towels, only linen.
- Any medication currently being taken (chronic medication included) in original packaging please and hand it in to the nursing staff. You may NOT keep medication with you.
- Cigarettes. In keeping with the new laws, we do not sell cigarettes on the premises, so please bring your own if you are a smoker.
- Reading material
- R100.00 for your workbook
- Keep in mind that we do not have an ATM at the hospital
- Hair dryer
- Wi-fi available
- Gym clothes
- No alcohol or illicit drugs:- Due to the nature of the facility and the programmes we run, please do not attempt to bring any of these items onto the property. M-Care reserves the right to immediately discharge you if you do not adhere to this policy.
- Valuables:- For security reasons, we advise that you do not bring anything of value such as jewellery, electronic equipment, or large sums of money. M-Care cannot be held liable for items which have been mislaid or stolen.
- Weapons:- In accordance with the Act on firearms, we do not allow any firearms, ammunition and/or any other weapons, including but not limited to teargas, pepper spray, knives, etc. to be brought onto our property at any time. Also note that we do not accept responsibility for such items. Rather hand in firearms at your closest police station
About M-Care
The M-Care Group has six hospitals; two in Mpumalanga, two in the North West Province, one in the Free State, and one in the Western Cape, specializing in physical rehabilitation and psychiatric services.
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