With the exams of the NWU approaching, we know that students use all the help they can get when it comes to staying up late to study for the exam. One of these methods is energy drinks – but be aware! Energy drinks have a lot more dangers connected to them than...
Die Covid-19 Inentings – onderwysers kan nou registreer. Wat moet jy weet? Volgens die nuutste statistieke (8 Junie 2021), het Suid-Afrika nou meer as 1 699 849 bevestigde Covid-19 gevalle. Die sterftesyfer weens Covid-19 staan nou op 57 063, die herstelkoers is...
This is why regular gynaecology check-ups are important: Unfortunately, a lot of the conditions that affect women’s health CAN be present without ANY obvious signs. That is why annual gynaecology exams are so important. It is one of the best ways you can keep an eye...
Imagine a way to deliver vitamins directly to the cells that need them. Imagine a way to improve the function of a wide variety of body systems. Now, stop imagining and step into M-Care Medical Centre’s IV Drip Therapy. What is IV Drip Therapy? IV is the abbreviation...
Die griep-inenting is die mees effektiewe manier om teen verkoue en griep te veg. Dit werk deur ‘n onaktiewe virus te vat en dit te gebruik om jou liggaam se eie immuniteit op te skerp. Jou liggaam produseer teenliggaampies om teen die verkoue/griep virus te veg. Die...
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